eCommerce Content Strategy that Secures Your Conversion on Amazon

Accurate and thorough copy on your website benefits your sales, even if the customer decides to make the final purchase through Amazon. If the majority of your sales were once through brick and mortar locations, the growing role eCommerce plays merits a review of the information you have available on your own website.

According to BigCommerce, nine out of ten consumers check prices on Amazon before making a purchase. CNBC noted that 90% of people will search for your product on Amazon after finding it on a retailer’s page to check selection or prices. Both Amazon and your own website should tell customers what to expect when they purchase your product.

3 Reasons to Spruce Up Your Website Copy

  1. You are the best resource for information on your product. Potential customers who are browsing often search for a product on a search engine, especially if they can’t get enough information on Amazon to prompt their purchase. Nearly a third of buyers turn to Google to inspire their purchases. Having complete and consistent messaging on both your website and your Amazon brand store reassures the potential customer and can help with conversion.
  2. You can outthink the customer to reassure their decision to purchase. Anticipate their needs and have the answers ready for each product you offer. Think what questions you would have as a potential customer for each item, and answer them in your website copy. (It’s okay to iterate as you learn more about your customers and their expectations through their purchases and feedback.)
  3. Your website copy establishes your brand voice. Your copy informs the eCommerce representation of your brand and marketing of your products. Your Amazon content may not match your website word for word, but it can speak to the same target audience.

Your product descriptions and brand details should always speak to your potential customers. Skip the industry jargon unless your buyer knows those terms and abbreviations.

eCommerce Content Strategy: What Information Will Help Complete Purchases?

Updating your website content now will support any future Amazon optimization. Some things to consider with your products on your website:

  • What size, color, weight is your product?
  • How is it used?
  • Do they need any extra components (batteries, cables, screen protectors) for best success with your product?
  • What problems can it solve for your customers?
  • How will this product help them achieve an ideal?

Knowledge is Power

No one knows your products better that you do. From inception through design, prototyping, manufacturing, packaging, and warehousing, you possess a wealth of information that may be employed in your product descriptions. On the front line of customer service, you know what issues may arise and how to answer those concerns before they are voiced.

Leveraging that knowledge makes it easier for buyers to make informed decisions, and taking the time to get it right on your website has a ripple effect throughout your ecommerce presence that can have a noticeable positive effect on your Amazon sales.